Hello, we are interested in JA Social Feeds for our Joomla site.
1) The demo page for Instagram (https://joomla-extensions.demo.joomlart.com/index.php/social-feeds-instagram) looks horribly broken. There are no pictures, avatars, or likes displayed. Is JA Social Feeds still being supported?
2) The Instagram demo uses readmore links which opens the Instagram post on another page. This is a poor user exerience. Does JA Social Feeds have an option for the Instagram post to be displayed in a modal, or through a method that does not take the visitor away from the page they are on? Can this extension display single social posts (Instagram) from different users in within a grid layout?
3) Does JA Social Feeds allow for output customization? Our desire is to customize the display/arrangement (of Instagram avatar, username, picture/video, likes, etc) using .php, HTML, and CSS. Are the individual pieces of Instagram data accessible/re-arrangeable through .php (as opposed to being fed through an iframe)?
Thank you for your time and attention.