
I'm trying to change the opacity of .modal-backdrop, but I cannot find where it is.

I'm using Teline IV template. We have installed Acymailing and when clicking in the terms and conditions option of the subscription module, this file opens in a pop window which is very dark. Changing opacity is an option, but I cannot find where is the css.

Many thanks in advance

    pavit it is here


    Home page, at the right, middle approximately.


    Ups. But now it is not activated the terms and conditions options.

      uctt-csic But now it is not activated the terms and conditions options.

      Could you please tell us when we can check it?

      Hello. Now it is activated in the English and Spanish version. Thanks for checking it.

        Add this code at the end of template.css file
        Clear Joomla and browser cache to see the changes

        .modal-backdrop, .modal-backdrop.fade.in {   z-index: 1; }


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