Hi! I've searched this on Jommlart templates and I found different files for this. It seems each template has this information in a different file!? Am I wrong? If so, I'm so sorry for duplicating this kind of post.
So on JA Focus, whare do I change this information? JOOMLA! Is a software procuced under GNU GPL license...
Thank you in advance
Hi kmanek
You can find these info at THIS PAGE
Couldn't find it on those files... where exactly on focus template files structure? Sorry
kmanek where exactly on focus template files structure?
I send you my account access details. Could you please help me?
Thank you so much
kmanek Hi I removed this line from the file
<small><?php echo JText::_( 'MOD_FOOTER_LINE2' ); ?></small>
You will not see the Joomla copyrights now
Thank you for looking into my website but something went wrong...
In the top, the menu is going to a second line and there is a grey bar in the top that there weren't before:
And in the bottom, the menu is out of his place:
kmanek Hi this change is not related with footer line, i added the line back for you and issue is still present, did you applied any change on the site ? as its showing a banner container on the top of site. In top you have banner top position http://prntscr.com/pwqveg
Yes, what is that?
Can you remove that?
kmanek Hi It module you published http://prntscr.com/pwqy6f i disabled it for you, about the further menu issue, kindly open a new thread as this topic is for the footer copyrights and already answered.