Hi, I wonder if the plugin detects IF there are youtube videos in the site. IF so, there is a chance that the owner of the video can measure the source once someone clicks on the video in the website. I am not sure myself but a IT supplier of my client from Germany suggested to use a 2 click notification. I was like... my god, where does this privacy stuff stop? It is getting over complicated to me.
In addition he mentioned that someone should also be able to easily remove his cookies with a click of a button. This button should exist inside a customer account, or (if no account as to be made), should be explained in a popup that they have to remove the cookie from their browser. This with a link to a page how to do that. OR could you make a small X button that shows some sort of flyout menu with content about "Want to remove all cookies?" click here. And once done, the privacy popup shows.
Is this true, logical and needed? > Opt-Out-Cookie Function