Hi, I have a problem with Zentools2: I can't do it working properly because with a layout of 3 items per row and 6 items there are always errors: it shows 3 rows in a bad way instead of 2 rows with 3 items each one.
Thank you!
Can you add joomla access details and I will take a look
Cheers Paul
paulus1031 It's done. Thanks!
axalingua Try add this to custom.css file and adjust value accordingly:
.no-margin .zt-filter.zt-grid.zt-boxed .zt-col{min-height: 420px !important;}
As Aman said you can tweak the layout using custom css - I have for now adjusted the configuration in the zentools2 module to adjust the display
Does this work better for you?
Thanks, it's working perfect now!!
You're welcome
The animation effect isn't really intended when there is just one element or filter