I try to use this brilliant module in my site. but I have an issue in links section. I set links section in bottom and there is 2 pages included 3 item each.
when page loads for first time I see 15 pixels of second page items at right. but after click on navigation these are disapear . I investigated the page source and see there is assigned "active" class to both ul tags:
<div class="nspLinkScroll2 nspPages2">
<ul class="nspList active nspCol2">
<ul class="nspList active nspCol2">
after click on pagination arrows Jscript removes one of them and it works normally.
Let me know how to fix this.
you can see it in action: necemasindir.tk
I set Links block margin to 10px 10px . but when I set it to 0 the problem is remained with a very narrow vertical lines on the right.