pavit I've modfied:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("#acm-slideshow-<?php echo $module->id; ?> .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({
items: 1,
singleItem : true,
itemsScaleUp : true,
navigation : true,
navigationText : ["<i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>"],
pagination: false,
merge: false,
mergeFit: true,
slideBy: 1,
autoPlay: true,
But it still not working. I've added site details. Use components/exTplorer to modify the PHP file.```
PS: I don't like this solution because if I will update the template I will loose this fix. I hope in future you will add some options to the module like delay beetwen slide and start from random image