The documentation in the JA Twitter Module that I'm having difficulty getting to work appears to link to the old forums and comes up to a 404 error. I've got the 4 keys installed, but have nothing else to reference. The FollowMe button seems to work, but it otherwise outputs "Couldn't resolve host ''
There is no friend in list". Where do I find its reference material so I can troubleshoot?

    Hi shawnlesky

    Twitter has changed its docs much for this, I've forwarded to our documentation team to update the same. Kindly wait.

    If the activities are not showing, this can be issue of wrong configuration in your Twitter application.
    Kindly open the Twitter application and make sure you have added Website URL and callback URL correctly..
    In callback URL add index.php at the end of site domain.
    Example : and give read and write permission

    Copy the Consumer API and Access Token and add it.
    If your site still not showing this, Kindly submit your twitter dev login and site login details in Edit fields first post.

    About the Documentation, I will update it very soon with new Twitter interface screenshots.


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