Hello support team,
I would like to show only first subcategory and no second subcategories at this point


    Go to file: /templates/ja_focus (your default template)/css/custom.css (Create this file if it doesn't exist)

    Add this css:

    .ja-news .category-menu > ul > li ul.dropdown-menu,
    .ja-news .category-menu > ul > li.dropdown .dropdown-toggle span.fa.fa-angle-down {
        display: none;

    My problem is, I do not want to show a third subcategory in the headline. As in the pictures


      I updated the file: /templates/ja_focus/helper.php

      		  $sql = '
      			SELECT DISTINCT sub.*
      			FROM #__categories AS sub
      			INNER JOIN #__categories AS this ON sub.lft > this.lft AND sub.rgt < this.rgt 
      			WHERE this.id IN ('.$IN.')';
            	$sql = '
      			SELECT DISTINCT sub.*
      			FROM `#__categories` AS sub
      			WHERE `sub`.parent_id IN ('.$IN.')';

      It shows only first sub-categories now.

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