JA Masshead module image path is wrong when the module appears in submenu and SEF URLs are enabled.
I used the masshead in submenu: https://www.amphso.com/about-us/in-memoriam using the following code:
[Masshead Itemid="477" title="In Memoriam" background="images/joomlart/gallery/gallery-2.jpg" ]In Memoriam. [/Masshead]
The image path should be: https://www.amphso.com/images/joomlart/gallery/xgallery-2.jpg however it is: https://www.amphso.com/about-us/images/joomlart/gallery/xgallery-2.jpg There is nothing I can do since I even tried absolute path as: https://www.amphso.com/images/joomlart/gallery/xgallery-2.jpg however it reverts to a relative path after save. Please advise.
Thank you in advance.
7of9 Hi The image path is showing fine : images/joomlart/gallery/gallery-2.jpg Can you check this again http://prntscr.com/pzuyir
Hi Ninja ,
Thanks for getting back to me. Maybe it was a cache issue. I cleared the server cache and it works now.