I have set up a builder contact form with Google Captcha and when I submit is I receive this error:
"There's something wrong when submitting your data. Cannot verify captcha!"

    Hi netvectorman

    I guess something with your captcha key, pls try to test it with a contact form of Joomla first and see how it goes.


    Hi netvectorman

    Could you check on your server side (maybe PHP ini file) and enable the 'allow_url_fopen' PHP setting? you can ask your hosting provider for help to enable this if you don't have permission.


    I have enabled it and the Captcha is now working properly.
    Thanks for your help.

      a month later

      We have the same issue today with our website.
      What is the name of the PHP file did you modified ?



      Hi Eric,

      You can edit it via php.ini file in your server side, in case that you don't have permission, pls contact your hosting provider for help on this.


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