I have set up a builder contact form with Google Captcha and when I submit is I receive this error:
"There's something wrong when submitting your data. Cannot verify captcha!"
JA Builder Form with reCaptcha fails
Hi netvectorman
I guess something with your captcha key, pls try to test it with a contact form of Joomla first and see how it goes.
Tested on a Joomla Contact and processed properly.
Could you share the URL, Admin + FTP account of your site?
How do I do that privately?
Pls follow the 5th point here: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/772-how-to-ask-a-question-on-forum
Thanks, I've updated the credentials.
The contact page is at https://foodchainerp.com/Phoenix-systems-contact-us
Hi netvectorman
Could you check on your server side (maybe PHP ini file) and enable the 'allow_url_fopen' PHP setting? you can ask your hosting provider for help to enable this if you don't have permission.
I have enabled it and the Captcha is now working properly.
Thanks for your help.
Glad to hear that it works now!
We have the same issue today with our website.
What is the name of the PHP file did you modified ?
Hi Eric,
You can edit it via php.ini file in your server side, in case that you don't have permission, pls contact your hosting provider for help on this.