Hello dear
I have an issue with fancybox for related products on storefront template. I used virtuemart 3. You can see the pictures are so big. You can see example here :https://www.eva-extensions.com/extension-a-clip/luxury/extensions-volume-50cm/extensions-clips-chatain-fonce-02-detail.html
Can you tell me how to fix it?
Thanks a lot for help BR Sabrina
Hi Sabrina,
Could you share screenshot highlighting the issue? as it looks normally at my end now.
And share the credentials of your site also.
Hello dear Happy new Year!
This is the issue on attached files.
BR Sabrina
It looks normally at my end: https://prnt.sc/qjvz56
Yes it's normal, but add a product to cart, you could see the popup and issue.
Could you try to switch default Joomla template on your site to a standard template of your site like Protostar and see how it goes?
Problem is similar. You can see it on my pic.
If it also happens with default Joomla template, then the issue comes from this feature of Virtuemart, could you ask the same question into Virtuemart forum?
I understand but there is no answer from this forum 😢
Kindly follow there as I'm able to help if this issue comes from our products only.
It's work now 😉
Solution: resize the size of the images, and activate the resizing of the thumbnails in virtuemart