nicodorfer As JA Builder layout is built with bootstrap, You can always try diversified options for creating more blocks :
1) As also shown in documentation excerpt, In case you want to create 3 column layout, you clone a block then configure the width of the 3 blocks, can be: 6-3-3, 2-8-2
2) The paid versions (Pro and premium) have more content blocks and access to page library. The free version gets limited content blocks and no access to page library. --> In page library, There is option to create more columns for some specific content blocks
If I choose one now, not all of them have the option of choosing columns, or can you point me to a place where I can read more about it?
The feature to change number of columns is shown respective of the type of content blocks and not for all type of pre-defined content blocks
3) In bottom content block, There is also option to create upto 6 columns
However, Option is limited to 6 columns as of currently in which you can even clone some content block to replicate in another block and then change accordingly
Would share your feature request with JA Dev. Team for option to add more than 6 columns if the same can be incorporated in next version update
Thanks for suggesting the same 🙂