When opening the page on a phone it looks perfect until I turn it sideways. Then the logo suddenly overlaps the menu items. How can I prevent that from happening? I would prefer it if logo and menu looked the same on mobile devices whether the phone is upright or sideways
andrewwinkler Hi Can you tell me which mobile you are getting this issue : http://prntscr.com/qehmi9 http://prntscr.com/qehmv5 I checked both the views and it looks fine.
On the iPad. It's okay on the iPad now though since I made the logo smaller.
andrewwinkler Hi your site is down at the moment, kindly check.
Sorry, I had to resize my VPS and it took longer than usual. It's online now and the problem on the ipad still exists.
andrewwinkler Hi Add this code at the end of template.css file
@media(max-width: 983px) and (min-width: 640px) {#header #logo h1 a { margin: 0 0 0 16px; }}
Thank you very much.
Sorry, that made no difference. The iphone in landscape and the ipad in portrait mode still have logo and main menu overlapping.
andrewwinkler Hi use this code
@media(max-width: 983px) and (min-width: 640px) {#header #logo h1 a { margin: 0px 0 0 12px!important; }}
and do not remove it from template.css file clear browser cache to see changes and check it in real devices not simulators
Sorry, I tried, but this made no difference either.
andrewwinkler Here is ipad view http://prntscr.com/qga46h the logo width is bigger and all items too in same space so it fit to fit. http://prntscr.com/qga4k0
In horizontal position, logo and menu are perfect on the iPad. However, in vertical position, there still is an overlap. Similarly, iPhone 6/7/8 and iPhone 6/7/8 Plus are fine in vertical but not in horizontal position.
andrewwinkler Hi The space is not enough in the screen to fit all, you need to decrease the logo width in this case. Or move them in 2nd row use This code for ipad
@media screen and (max-width:986px){ body #mainnav {left: 64px!important;} }
http://prntscr.com/qhc61r Further the screenshot are taken after login on site.
Brilliant, the iPads are perfect now, both in landscape and portrait, logged in or not. However, the main menu on the iPhones in portrait is too far on the right. How can that be fixed?
andrewwinkler Hi this looks normal to me http://prntscr.com/qhfd2w
It's perfect on your screenshot. Thanks a lot.