Hi, I need your help, i am working in JA Megastore, and I have this issue, in frontpage if you go to "new Products module" you will see only one product "cafetera 1" ok if you select this product and go to add to cart, and then "show cart", and you select this payment option "transferencia bancaria" look attach image:
( You can register and put you email, to see how it works)
and go to "confirm purchase" you will go to the next page link finish with "shopping-cart/orderdone"
and this is what you see in the page:
, my question and problem is, how can I add some extra information between lines? like a header or footer, because I need to add more information to this page, and I know I can go to "payment methods" select "standard" and I can add information there, but that doesnt help me, I need to add information to the page, it will be the same information for every "orderdone" can you explain how can I do that?
my second question is, when the order is done, the customer receive this email template:
, so my question is how can I add information to this email template is a pending order email template, how can I add some information in the header or footer? please help me I need this done for a client. thank you