Hi there, on my page the item "ask a question" is not displayed correctly in product details. The style is shown differently in their demo.
wrong: https://www.india-town-shop.com/component/virtuemart/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/23/virtuemart_category_id/5.html
correct demo: https://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/instyle/index.php/women/women-s-brands/sweaters/product-8-detail
Thank you for the help!
Hi patriciamandek
Do you mean the popup? On our demo site, we don't enable option to allow non-registered user to ask question. You can configure this in configuration of Virtuemart settings.
HI! I'm talking about design on the product page. On my homepage the div is red-green (my picture) and in her demo it looks different. Thank you!
I found the mistake. Virtuemart was set to use Virtuemart CSS. I switched that off.
It is now possible.
Please close topic!
Thanks for your sharing!