I have a "small" problem with Zentools2 (layout-filter). I think I've had this in an older version before. I suspect it concerns German umlauts (ä,ü,ö).

I have activated the override filter in Zentools2 and use the custum-filter-order. One of my tag words is called "KULTUR FÜR SENIOREN". It is displayed correctly in the frontend, but the filter shows nothing at this point..
All other filters work as they should. A lot of articles should be displayed in this area.

This bug is probably a new "old" bug which is now active again after an update. It may only concern umlauts

Zentools version: 2.4.2, Joomla 3.8.8,
Template: Buildr-backgrounder Version: 1.0
Zentools2 Module is named: Filter-Programm

After a short research I found the old post regarding this thing in the joomlabamboo forum. Back then I had opened a ticket afterwards. But the old tickets are no longer accessible:

And another clue:
This bug does not exist in Zentools2 (version 2.4.1).
I used the same filter layout in another homepage (https://goo.gl/TwmnKD). There is also a tag (Büchermöbel) with umlauts. Here it works.

Many Thanks
Cheers Frank

Hi Frank,

Can you add your site access details together with ftp

I need to compare my test site settings with yours as it is currently working for me


Hello Paul,
i add site access now.
Thanks for your help!

Cheers Frank

Hi Frank,

Would it be ok if I downloaded a copy of the site to my localhost?


Hi Frank,

With the image filenames I can't install it to a windows machine without the installation failing
I have uploaded to some temp disk space but I need the ANGIE Password

I would lock down the installation so nobody but me and the team can view it
Can you add the ANGIE Password to the secure section of the ticket


Sorry, I forgot to add the Angie password....is now done.


Hello, Paul,
now it gets weird The tag "BLUES and ROOTS FESTIVAL" is also not listed in zentools2 filter. (????)
Now I am in a bit of a hurry,...the new program content is almost finished

Hello, Paul,
...so the thing with the tag "BLUES and ROOTS FESTIVAL" is solved. That was actually a mistake in the tag-alias

I checked the old Joomlabamboo ticket again. You replied in December 2017 to exactly the same error regarding the tag "KULTUR FÜR SENIOREN" that there was also an error in the tag-alias. I can't see any mistake. I didn't get a more specific answer then.

tag = "KULTUR FÜR SENIOREN" alias = kultur-für-senioren

I have already deleted the "tag" and set it again. The same also in zentools. No progress

Cheers Frank

Hi Frank,

If you wipe the contents of the override filter - does this work for you?
Together with removing the umlout from the tag alias field


Sorry yes try wiping the field and disable the overide filter option and see if it works
Please keep a copy of the filter order

If it works with the custom filter disabled please add back the filter order but edit to remove umlouts


In fact, it works like this. I thought so, too.
However, it is then no real German. It looks strange and wrong.

With "overide" deactivated, the filter tags with umlauts work immediately.
I had previously removed the umlaut in alias (alias = kultur-fuer-senioren)

It seems that Zentools2 (Vers. 2.4.2) has problems (bug) with umlauts in the "overide filter option".

Joomlabamboo had solved the problem before? How could it turn up now?
Will give it a bugfix in the upcoming Zentools2 version. Is this communicated with the developers?

Especially since the problem does not seem to exist in zentools2 (version2.4.1).
As I described above, in the first post.

I'm just gonna temporarily rename the tag...and wait and see

;-) t.b.c.,...Cheers Frank

Hi Frank,

I've created a bug report so the developer can take a look to see what he thinks
I've added a link to my test site and to this thread with an explanation of the problem

Will get back to you once I hear


Okay, that's good.
Thank you Paul

Cheers Frank

I will keep you posted
But please buzz me back if not heard by Wed


8 days later

Good evening Paul,
i should buzz you back regarding to the "umlaut "bug-report..
I'm working on a new project,...also using the buildr-backgrounder template and zentools2, I was able to reproduce the bug there again.

Cheers Frank
Ps. I am on holiday from 14th to 29th July

Hi Frank,

I know the team are working on it as can see reports added to the tracker but we haven't fixed it yet I'm afraid

sorry this is taking so long - I will chase this up on Monday


5 days later

Hi Paul, I saw a Zentools2 package 2.4.3 in the download area.
This new version is only a few days old. Is the bug there already fixed.
I think it's a pity that I don't see a changelog to the different version numbers of the extensions.
This is actually customary, important and professional!The same applies to the templates. Or am I missing something here? What do you think?

Cheers Frank

Ah, OK i understand...things take time.

....I'll be back again after 29.07.


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