I am having this report from GTMetrix about
Defer offscreen images
1.8 s
Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive. Learn more.
These images are the ones in the GRID in www.equilibriumx.com
I am using JCHOptimize and created a ticket with them. This is his answer:
These images are being loaded dynamically by the carousel or are background images defined in your CSS files. Either way the plugin doesn't have access to these images to lazy-load them.

If you disable javascript in your browser and view your site you'll see that the area above the fold, and pretty much the whole page, doesn't load properly. When your page is designed like that it's pretty difficult to optimize, either by the plugin or otherwise. Javascript should be used for interactivity, after the page loads, and not for rendering initial content.

How can I allow the images from the carousel and grid in the landing page to be Lazy loaded?

    Hi equilibriumx

    Not sure if it can be done, let me consult with the dev team on this and get back to you.

    6 days later


    I mean the installation package of this plugin that you downloaded so I can pass to the dev team to debug on our local.

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