Hello Can you make the button at the Login Form, the Registration Form, and the Donation Form to look "active" like at the "Donate Now" button?
Hi technova76
Try with this:
.btn.btn-primary:hover, .btn.btn-primary:focus, .btn.btn-primary:active { background: #f05271 !important; } .btn.btn-primary { background: #f38b9d !important; border-color: #f38b9d !important; }
Nothing changed at the button.
Only at the Forgot your password? | Forgot your username? | Don't have an account?, which is fine like this.
technova76 Hi You should clear cache and check the site, the suggestion given by support team member is working fine on your site http://prntscr.com/qyap9y
Now I can see it. Thanx Can you fix the campaign articles? I can't view them...
technova76 Hi Please open a new thread for different topic questions and explain complete details of issue including replicating steps.