Hello At the category Our Blog, in Subcategories, give to this 3 texts this color: #f38b9d, and the hover color will be this: #f05271. Like the "Donate Now" button.
Also the "next" button inside the blog articles, will have the same color-style.
technova76 Hi this is default color on hyperlink text that you can change from theme magic or add this code in custom.css
a:hover, a:focus { color: #255373; } a { color: #f05271; }
it work all over the site.
I add the code in the custom.css but I didn't see any changes...
technova76 Did u checked on site i can see its working http://prntscr.com/qyajvr clear browser cache if its not showing.
The change I want to do is in the 3 Subcategories. If you move your cursor on the text you will see the blue color.
technova76 Hi the color is blue because you added this code in custom.css file a:hover, a:focus { color: #255373; } and using blue color code.
a:hover, a:focus { color: #255373; }
I placed the code as you gave it to me, thinking that you already added the colors in the code. I've change it and now is correct.
Thank you