Hello In the donation form at the campaign articles, change the green bold color around the form, into this: #f05271. In the page I'm sending you, I can see the campaign article and the donation form. But when I click at Home and than trying to view the same article, it gives me the "Unsupported Operation Types page, and instead of 404 error it has the 0.
technova76 Hi Add this code in custom.css
.online-donate-form .form-inner { border: 2px solid #f05271; }
On hompage if click on title : EARTHQUAKE IN INDONESIA it redirected me to campaign page, there is no error.
Yes, it redirect you to the campaign page. But if you try to see this campaign through the "Campaigns" category, it will give you error.
Can you also tell me how I will change the colors in the campaigns? I mean the orange and green colors.
technova76 Hi Can you assign a subdomain URL to the site as its in a subfolder at the moment. About the color changes you can use firebug or inspect element tool from browser to see the style code and override it via custom.css example : http://prntscr.com/qypzd2
.dt-donate-campaigns-list .dt-donate-mod-campaign-description .donors { background: #ec5628;}
this will work for all parts of site.
I don't know how to assign the subdomain URL. Can you do it?
The code you gave me is not in custom.css. Should I add it?
technova76 Hi you can do this from your cpanel https://www.a2hosting.in/kb/cpanel/cpanel-domain-features/subdomains about the code, custom.css file is used to override the style code and add new code. You need to check the style like in example and do the override with your own customizations.
I add the code as you gave it to me, I changed the color and I can see it. Can you give me the rest codes so I can place them in custom.css and change the color? I've tried to find them with the inspector but I can't select everything...
Also I can't find the Domain section in cpanel. Can you do it?
technova76 Hi For the color, you can see i already shared the for donation form you can use it on site. About the subodmain kindly ask your host to assign a subdomain for this site.
I'm talking about this part. I want to change the default colors to yellow and red. As you see, I changed some, but I can't change the rest. The code you gave me was only for 1 part of this. Will you help me?
technova76 Hi use this code and change color as per needs. Its same way to check this style like i shared in previous post.
.process-bar .process { background: #ec5628 !important;}
Good evening. The code you gave me didn't change the process bar. I tried again to find the rest but I don't understand what I see. I don't know about coding.
Can you send me the right code for each part, or give you the colors and replace it?
technova76 Hi You can see the code here http://prntscr.com/r0h8mq the code i shared it correct for the homepage view
The code is not working because you added a wrong code in custom.css
.process-bar .process .number { background: #ffd638;
each code mus have closing brace.
I change it except these 2 orange shapes. Are they patterns?
technova76 Hi use this code
.process-bar .process .number:before { border-color: #ec5628 transparent transparent transparent; } .process-bar .process::before { border: 4px solid #ec5628;}
Finally! All done.