hello aman204 and other supporters,
thank you for you really fast answers. overall, i think you have got an error in your ja intranet template about view of pages in easysocial. unfortunately this view is not present in your demo, because there are no pages.
however, after doing some changes the one or other way round i am finally happy with following custom.css, because it lets more space for the title of events, pages and groups. but as i said, this seems not to be the supposed look from your template 😉
html div#es.es-main .es-cards .es-card__bd .es-card__avatar {
top: -70px !important;
html div#es.es-main.view-groups .es-cards .es-card__bd {
padding: 20px 20px 0 16px !important;
html div#es.es-main.view-events .es-cards .es-card__bd {
padding: 20px 20px 0 16px;
html div#es.es-main .es-cards .es-card__bd .es-card__calendar-date {
top: -70px !important;
Thank you and best regards