there is a mistake with the new popup shopping cart. Why does he always show wrong pictures in the new popup shopping cart that do not belong to the articles at all? You can see it in the first picture below. Maybe you can try it yourself in the shop. In the second picture attached you can see the right pictures for the articles.
I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance!

    Hi patriciamandek

    It's default shopping cart menu item of VM, I tried to access admin panel of your site to test with default Joomla template but the provided info doesn't work, could you check again?


      Virtuemart Forum has now written that our problem could be the override shopping cart. They said we should switch our cart override off because because it doesn't work properly. And we will make it with the Original template. That could also be related to the other problem. Maybe because of this he always show wrong pictures in the new popup shopping cart.

      Thank you!


        I also checked that override for shopping cart module but the code on your site seems to be fine. There maybe conflict there. Let me investigate further and will get back to you.

          5 days later

          do you have news for me? The same mistake is still there and I don't know why. I hope you can help me.
          The other problem in the shopping cart , as you can see in the pictures attached is also still there and nobody can help me... I put now again different articles in the shopping cart. in the new popup you can see all articles are in cart but but with still wrong pictures and when u go in the second picture, in the shopping cart sometimes you can't see all articles. I don't know why. Could you check it again, please?
          Thank you very much in advance.

          In this pictures you can't see all articles, like in the new popup...:

          Here in this picture you can see all articles but still with wrong pictures:

            5 days later


            I checked with the team, the Product SKU is required for each product in VM so the thumbnail can display correctly on that popup of shopping cart. Pls try to add product SKU, it will work fine then.

              As you can see attached, I tried this with the following 3 products in the picture below. but unfortunately it still doesn't work.
              So now I understand that correctly? I have now reduced the image size to 295 × 295 and then I replace the mini image and select the file. Then I selected the file with the size 295 × 295. Now the link is also inside the mini picture URL, as you can see on the first picture:

              On the next picture you can see which products I have changed:

              I then added these 3 products to the shopping cart:
              It will look like that. The mistakes are still there. The wrong pictures are displayed.

              And here in the shopping cart not all articles are still displayed. This error is still there.

              Unfortunately nothing has changed and the same mistakes are still there.
              What can I do now?

              Thank you in advance.

              Best regards

              4 days later

              Hi Patricia,

              It seems that you did not get my point, you should add SKU for each product so the popup of shopping cart can take the correct image.

              For example, in the product: Patch Bügelbild Applikation OM-Symbol weiß Ø 7 cm , I added a sample sku: https://prnt.sc/rgxlqj

              I tested on frontend and it showed correctly: https://prnt.sc/rgxl61

              Again, this 'Product SKU' is required so the popup of shopping cart can work properly.

                HI, thank you!
                Unfortunately, as I noticed after testing, this is still not the solution to my main problem and that in the end the articles are not always displayed in the shopping cart.
                Do you know what I mean? I've already shown it that the popup always shows all the items that I put in the shopping cart. But when I click on "Show shopping cart" in the popup, at the end not all articles are shown, which I put in the shopping cart. I will show you again in the following pictures.
                Just because of this problem I tried to set this popup to see if this was the solution to the problem. But the popup doesn't seem to solve my real problem.

                I have now added the SKU in the following 4 pictures. The correct pictures are now displayed in the popup. But do I have to add the SKU to all my approx. 400 articles that it works? because that would be a lot !?

                In the next picture I put exactly the 4 items in the shopping cart and yes your tip was correct and the right pictures are displayed in the popup!

                But as I said, that wasn't the main problem!
                The main problem is that not all items can be seen in the cart at the end!
                If I click on "Show shopping cart" in the popup, not all selected articles will be displayed in the shopping cart at the end. This has not changed since the SKU is changed.

                Here you can see that not all items can be seen in the shopping cart although you can see them in the popup ... This is my main problem. I don't really need the popup. It is important that you see all selected items in the shopping cart at the end!

                As you can see in the popup, I put 4 items in the shopping cart, but unfortunately you can often only see the first item.

                I tried to explain it to you again as exactly as possible. I hope you have now understood my actual problem and can help me please. I actually wanted to publish the shop in January, but unfortunately there were always problems. I hope we can solve the problem as soon as possible so that I can publish the shop. It is really important for me! Thank you very much in advance!

                Best regards

                  And then I had another concern, because since changing the shopping cart you can no longer see where you can remove an item from the shopping cart or update it.

                  In the red marked area in the picture you can see small white buttons. The left button means: Update the quantity in the shopping cart. The right button means: delete product from the shopping cart.
                  However, the 2 small buttons are not easily recognizable and not easy to understand. I myself did not see the buttuns at the beginning and did not know what they mean because it is nowhere to be seen. Could you tell me how I can make it easier for customers to read or understand it? Before changing the shopping cart a few weeks ago, the symbol X for delete and the symbol for update items was there. I find that more understandable than it is now.

                  Can you possibly correct this for me again or help me? that would be super nice! Thank you very much!

                    Ok you now have the Virtuemart CSS. If this is activated, he accesses the virtuemart CSS file. And then the button "Ask a question about this product" is red. If the CSS is activated it will not work again and then you would have to rewrite all CSS files again! And it don't look so good, when it is so red.

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