Ninja Hi,
On header of ja events ii template I've added:
<link rel="preload" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin href="/modules/mod_ijoomla_adagency_zone/tmpl/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.0.3">
<link rel="preload" as="style" type="text/css" href="/components/com_community/assets/vendors/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer.min.css">
and I have on Chrome console:
9ef89bbaa302ff4766a8ebd84187469a.js:15 A preload for '' is found, but is not used because the request credentials mode does not match. Consider taking a look at crossorigin attribute.
The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate
asvalue and it is preloaded intentionally.
On Google PageSpeed Insights:
Warnings: A preload <link> was found for "" but was not used by the browser. Check that you are using the
crossoriginattribute properly.
Do you know how to solve?
If I launch it many times also:
is shown sometime
I wanted to say it launch the loading (or it load)