Wonder if you could provide any assistance on this. I have used Regular Labs Modals in a Menu Item (Testing/News Flash) and it works well, displaying an article (News Flash - alias=news-flash) in a popup window. If I set the menu item to be an image only it does not work, title only or image plus title does work.
I'm now trying to make it work from a button (or an image) on a JA Builder page. Testing it on a page called test-john that has a button with title News Flash near the top. Currently have it set as:
{modal article="news-flash}news-flash {/modal}
This takes me to the article but not in a popup. Have tried urls etc as noted in their documentation (https://www.regularlabs.com/extensions/modals/tutorial#modal-tag) but can't seem to get it to show in a popup from the button. Previously tried on an image with same result. Either just goes to the article or to 404 error page.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.