Is the Shape5 Forte template compatible with Jooml 4?
railer Hi Joomla 4 is not yet available, latest Joomla version is 3.9.16 right now. We do have plan to update the template to be compatible with Joomla 4 when it comes out though.
Thank you! ja-developer I was thinking of building a test site in 4 and using Forte.
Joomla 4 is still in Alpha versions, it would take time to have stable version release.
We really need some Joomla 4 compatible templates to start testing ASAP.
Are there any Shape5 compatible templates for Joomla 4 for testing?
Joomla 4 is still in Alpha version now, we highly recommend you to wait for RC version (or at least beta version) to test as with alpha versions, it's still in development process and there are lots of bugs / changes need to be updated.
Understood. However, I am eager to test ANYTHING from Shape5. At some point I would like to see Game World or Game Crusade updated.
I will pass to the team for further consideration.