AdAgencyPro Pre-sale question: How would I display multiple video ads in one zone (auto-playing one after the other)? Also, can the videos be hosted on a service like Vimeo (and can I then use an embed link)?
presalequestion Hi You can assign multiple ads to one zone . Vimeo is also supported Have a look here : and try to add New video type ad. Make sure there should one zone exist for video ads.
Cool. :-) Does AdAgencyPro have a control or feature to let it play ads continuously, one after the other - without refreshing the page each time?
presalequestion Hi There is option for the refresh ads but its for Banners only and video will need to be played by user, can be can be changed to Auto play as well if needed. for the Refresh video ads i submitted a ticket to development team to check this feature.
Okay - let me know what you find out about autoplay video. :-)
presalequestion Hi Autoplay i can help for youtube video there will be no much issue, the Random display for video will take some time.
I meant continuous play, not random play. In other words, I want to play a sequence of my own videos, one after another from a source like Vimeo.
presalequestion Hi Yes the conti. play of ads is not for video, i submitted to ticket for it to development team.
Thank you, Pankaj. I am very interested to hear from your development team.
presalequestion You are welcome! I will update you here once there is any update on this. We also update on our blog post for each new release with changelog.
Okay. :-)