The health situation has forced us to cancel many of our camping trip events. We found ticket holdes request credit for future events. here is what we are doing aprox 500 files expected.
Step ONE.....Cancel the reservation move it from active to canceled.
the auto generated email to ticket holder has a notice ontop with an image
The status of your registration of Borrego Spring Break 2020 has been updated to Cancelled. Your Confirmation Number is RRV9196
This email is system sent automatically when changed to Pending or Canceled please read the Cancelled comments below. When necessary , Call Greg xxx-xxx-xxx
COVID19 Event cancellations
Each event registration has cost to collect that can not be recovered. Covid19 reservations take into consideration the Resort adjusted cancellation policy and our ability to resell or salvage your reservation. When possible we set up future event credits and host the unique coupon code in your online file. these codes will be listed (with-in 5 days). Sign in required Events UserCreditCodes . see image
credit codes
Step TWO ....... I create a code in dth development from a csv file line. I use the card transaction number as the code value and for the name of the code I use is the dth invoice number.
Step Three ...... I record the code in the members private page I use JomSocial but this works all Joomla
this code listing component is a $20 utility
.... In the user page utility to find the members page I use the email address from that event csv line as a lookup item.
on the page where I host their code I have a HOW TO USE THE CREDIT-CODE Image
here is that image.
1.. I use JCE editor and if I call an image in emails I can not host that image on my domain. I put the images in a folder on my other site. this is probably an easy fix but it was just as easy to host elseware
2.. when you offer links to members in an email that require them to be signed in, some email clients have old browsers linked and muff the connection up. this is why I offer an image and leave them to use a bookmark to the site or type it.
3.. It would be easy for some good code savy people here to
a..... create a field for the canceled event called [CREDITCODE]
b.... fill that code when you marked the record CANCELED
c.... write a magic commands to have the code displayed in the members userpanel
d.... then change instructions an image in the YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS WAS CHANGES letter
Hopeful this will prompt others to offer better methods.
email me if you want access to test and some admin images.
Stay safe. I care much,
Gregory O'Connor California USA