How can I create a different Header and Footer from the default from page?
I need to create a different Headers and Footers to show the website in other languages, suggestions?
Thank you.
xentryx Hi If you added the header block and footer block in the Header and footer sections it will apply for all the site. To choose a different header you need to put the header and footer blocks inside the content sections when you Edit a page.
So, I have to re-do more than 35 footers and headers that's insane!
I will think in adecuale a header and footer with only symbols.
Maybe in the future you an add this feature to this amazing tool.
thank you for your assistance.
xentryx Hi There is no other option. In every site header and footer are unique and work same. But if you move them to content block they work as normal blocks.
Ninja really? I will try it.
xentryx Hi yes as i shared in previous posts header and footer blocks same for all pages, if you want different header you have to move them in content blocks.