Hello we use quick contact and now it doesn't work anymore. The following error message appears: Session check failed!
we use: Template = Medicare Joomla = 3.9.16 myphp = 7.3
how can i fix this?
maisfeld Hi checked the contact and its working fine http://prntscr.com/rpu8bx I also got an email copy : http://prntscr.com/rpu964
Hello Pankaj, thank you for your message. I still have the same mistake. I can't open your pictures. How can we solve this?
Thank you
Hi I tested it on your site homepage. If it's on a different site kindly share the page URL here and submit a credentials in Edit Fields options.
Hi, it is this website where I sent you access data.
I have changed the email address and please send me an email using the contact form.
maisfeld Hi You have an override in template folder for the contact module in Editing file "/html/mod_jaquickcontact kindly rename the folder with any other name and check.
Hi I renamed it and sent a test email, with no success. The following error message appears: sending email error
Hi, i was able to solve the problem. Unistall the JA Quick Contact and reinstall the module. Insert all settings and send a test email. That's how it worked for me.
Thank you for your help.