I read in the other topic that for JB Builder should be used the newest version of T3 Framework.
I have got T3 Framework v. 2.7.0 and T3 Framework Package v. 2.6.1 at the moment.
Is that OK? If not recommend me please what should to be done: update of both / what version / uninstall of one. Thanks!
JB T3 Framework / Framework Package
First of all, we don't have product called JB Builder
#117738 I have got T3 Framework v. 2.7.0 and T3 Framework Package v. 2.6.1 at the moment
The latest version of T3 framework is 2.7.6: https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/joomlart/t3-framework/t3-blank
Hi, thanks for reply, I meant JB Buildr of course. As I've got TWO T3 Framework Plugins at the moment should I uninstall both and install T3 framework 2.7.6 instead?
The credentials for site are now in the form. Thanks for your support indeed.