In case anyone is interested I worked out a way to do it myself. Probably not best practice but it has worked for me for now. I am happy for anyone to provide a safer way to do it, but after trawling the internet trying to find an answer I figured I can't be the only one out there with this issue!!
Find file: /public_html/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/tpls/blocks/main.php (mine was on line:136??) and find below code: then switch the positions of the sidebar and the main content.
<div class="zen-container">
<div class="zen-row">
<?php if(!$source_order) { ?>
<div class="mainwrap zen-spotlight">
<?php $this->getModules('main'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="mainwrap zen-spotlight">
<!-- In order to place sidebar above main content code was switched from here -->
<?php } ?>
<?php if($sidebar1) { ?>
<div id="sidebar-1" class="sidebar zg-col zg-col-<?php echo $main_layout->sidebar1;?> <?php echo $sidebar1_offset;?>" role="complementary">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="sidebar1" style="zendefault" />
<!-- to here and from here -->
<?php if($midcol) {?>
<div id="midCol" class="zg-col zg-col-<?php echo $main_layout->maincontent;?> <?php echo $main_offset;?>">
<?php $this->loadblock('main-content');?>
<!-- to here -->
<?php } ?>
<?php if($sidebar2) {?>
<div id="sidebar-2" class="sidebar zg-col zg-col-<?php echo $main_layout->sidebar2;?> <?php echo $sidebar2_offset;?>" role="complementary">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="sidebar2" style="zendefault" />
<?php } ?>
<?php }?>
I hope it helps someone.