Hello @saguaros
May I know where or how can I set up the articles background color, from total white to #FEFFE8
I reviewed the overrides and I cant determine where is it...
Article background color scheme
- Edited
Hi equilibriumx
You can use this custom css:
#gkPageContent {
background: #FEFFE8 !important;
In case that you want to apply for specific menu item, you can set a suffix class for that page via template >> Features tab >> https://prnt.sc/s26jhs
For example, I add a new class suffix called newbg for a menu item ID: 419, then I will override with this css rule:
.newbg #gkPageContent {
background: #FEFFE8 !important;
Done, thanks for the tip @saguaros
saguaros locked the discussion.