Please check this URL
Check the first Result.
In that first article " About Dubai Trade", I just entered one line below description
"The Certified Trade and Logistics Professional (CTLP) is a comprehensive training program"
And as the content was very less, it displayed script in the result.
(function(d, e, s) {a = d.createElement(e);m = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];a.async = 1;a.src = s;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)})(document, 'script', '//w.likebtn.com/js/w/widget.js'); if (typeof(LikeBtn) != "undefined") { LikeBtn.init(); }
If i enter content more than 3-4 lines then this script is not displayed.
I already told above this issue is when content is less. Please try at your end and let me know solution.
Hope you understand this time as its pretty simple if you try it.
Hope to get proper support.. till now i am not happy.