When there will be j2store integrated? K2 Store (not available anymore) is actually integrated.
And how I can remove the link on K2 Author Names? It is declared in the settings but dont work.
Kind regards André
Hi André,
I checked the /newsblog but did not see author on each item, did you disable it?
I tried to access backend of your site but it requires another login step, kindly share it.
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I disabled it in comments but there is despite the author name linkes to an empty page? https://www.cadoro.at/newsblog/54-newsblog/1642-wiedereroeffnung#comment51
See here above André Schröder (Author is linked) whether it is disabled. Can you check it maybe?
Thanks and kind regards André
You can unzip attached file and copy it to this : /templates/gk_shop_and_buy/html/com_k2/templates/default/item.php (backup old file first)
Can you also help me to make this responsive row-set working by K2 / J2Store? They told me that would be part of the template provider :-)
GK Shop&Buy template doesn't support override style for J2Store by default. So you're using default style from J2Store, not the template. You can contact and tell them the same.
This I got worked by myself. It is solved.
This also works, thanks!saguaros
Another question. How I can change date format for mod_k2_comments? it is display actually like that 2020-04-19 21:43:27
I want it to be 19.04.2020, 21:43:27
Kind regards
Thank you very much!
You can go to Admin panel > Extensions > Languages > Overrides
and override this language constant: K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC2
P/s: you will override for German on your site
Thank you! I tried this but don't work as I inserted Language override: https://www.cadoro.at/newsblog
See the comment date format I insert lang key: K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC2 Text: d.m.Y (H:i:s)
Kind regards Andre
Hi Andre,
The problem comes from your settings in K2 comments module, you should use absolute date format:
I updated for you, it's ok now.