hi, this only happens on a specific machine. When I migrate whole site to another server or to my localhost, I don't re-present this issue. This causes the layout preview page not working. I enter another template (purity_iii) also okay without problem. Thanks for helping
shawnhy Hu T3 aseets is cache folder for css it will be refresh when you clear or purge cache or make any changes in the files. Kindly do not make any code change in this folder as this is not permanent change.
Thanks, pankaj I know that. Is this the reason I was facing this issue? I don't think I have modified files under T3 aseets. Even so , it should be cleared when I click on "compile LESS into css", isn't it?
shawnhy Hi Can you confirm the issue with screenshot, as in title you mentioned t3-assets and in description its layout issue, both are different topic. submit the site super user login in Edit fields as well.
Ninja Please take a look at the attached screen shot. Site admin is provided at the head of this thread. Thanks a lot.
shawnhy Hi This issue can be low PHP limits on your server Or the layout file have error. Kindly submit super user login in edit fields i will look on the site.
Yes please. I have provided super user account. Can you see that? purity_iii template is fine on this site. And I try cleared all customized files and use original ja_healthcare template files (whole holder) and also problemable. I think probably as you said, low PHP limits on my server .
shawnhy Hi Your site has outdated version of template and T3 Kindly update both, it appear custom hacks in template, server limits seems fine.