Hi i would like to have the same kind of card when its is public or private
i want the private card style because its smaller and if not it will break the layout all the time
groundfeel Hi The style is depend on the what output is showing on the page. If you want to customize the views for specific part, you can done it via override in custom.css file. This is normal padding http://prntscr.com/s8z6m7 since there is less text it will show the space its logically normal.
im looking to get something like this layout how can i make them to use this layout?
groundfeel Hi This is page layout. You can create a menu item with type All pages and you will get this layout. Further you can see Group menu page also give same view. https://js-main.demo.jomsocial.com/index.php/groups
its not working for me keeps coming in grid
groundfeel Hi Your question is not clear. Please check the demo here https://js-main.demo.jomsocial.com/index.php/groups let me know which layout you want and that is not working on your site. Share the page URL from your site and demo site.
i need stacked full width for groups not cards grid@pankaj#121641
i did what u said and still got grid layout@groundfeel#121794
groundfeel Hi on which URL you are not getting the view like in demo? In demo it's using socialize template with default JomSocial theme.
i need this on stacked not grid
groundfeel Hi You are not using default theme for JomSocial, You have JS shadow theme that has this style http://prntscr.com/scastb
If you want to get the same view like in socialize demo kindly set the Jomsocial as default theme.
no still same issue please i have tried all the ways and still faulty help me thank you
I need shadow style landing
nevermind the smartphone notes thats fixed
groundfeel Is your issue fixed? Check the custom css file if you are not getting same view oike in demo with socialize template.
the videos are in stack mode now thats ok but the landing now is changed to default and i want to have shadow landing for login Ninja
groundfeel Hi Its not possible to use two different themes for different pages. If you will use the shadow theme it will work for all JomSocial component area.
can i not copy from shadow and change default or create a default copy theme and change there?Ninja
groundfeel Hi You can customize the files but there is also style customizations that involve in this part. You can find the override file in the /component/com_community/templates/layout/shadow /jomsocial is default theme.