I am still having issues with the FB LIKE button. It was working fine few days ago. I created a case asking to add the FLIPBOARD button, which @saguaros did without problems. Few days after, the FB button dissapeared and the Twitter one was not showing properly.
Then came @Ninja starting to mess with the JCHOptimize plugin overriding my previous settings without consultation or knowledge...deactivated the plugin first and then when I asked to create JUST the exception just for the script with issues he didnt understood the case. I added the exception and activated the plugin again. Everything was working fine. Then today I got a report from semrush that caught my attention with 2,000+ unminified scripts.
I went back to JCH optimize, and again @Ninja changed the configuration for the plugin again deactivating the minification of css and javascript.... (I didnt do it, and you are the only other one I granted access).
This is honestly, an unexperienced guy... everytime he gets a case of mine, he doesnt know shit... and, either ask me to check back with my developer, or start messing with things he doesnt obviously knows.
Now the FB like button is not working, and it was working fine previously with JCH optimize before.
I need @saguaros, who has proven to be an expert and has knowledge on this particular template to take over please!.
Also, I want to add a FB Share button, which is not in the template preset options. I need to allow people to viralize my content.
THIS IS URGENT NOW. I repeat I dont want @Ninja on this. Or show me where the socialAPI is using FTPZilla So I can change the whole Facebook Like and Share to this style as indicated in FBDevelopers:

Step 2: Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening body tag.
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v6.0&appId=2290846157669510&autoLogAppEvents=1"></script>

Step 3: Place this code wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="https://www.equilibriumx.com/" data-width="720" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="small" data-share="true"></div>


    Then came @Ninja starting to mess with the JCHOptimize plugin overriding my previous settings without consultation or knowledge...deactivated the plugin first and then when I asked to create JUST the exception just for the script with issues he didnt understood the cas

    In previous thread you mentioned that you found the script and not needed help. Further kindly read the support policy, there is no modification done in the JCH plugin at all, except its disabled to debug the problem that is part of the debugging. Again, if you need help stop lying that plugin messup by support side. All changes that are done on your site are clearly mentioned with you ( only disable of plugin to show that this issue is not from template side) .
    If you mentioned my name on thread i have to interface as your saying wrong things here.
    Note : Check you have issue with template without compression ? If not you may check the extension configurations that override and merging files.

    Hope it make sense!

    As I asked, please let me know where the SOCIAL API module is to do the override myself. I dont want you to experiment on my site. I recognize you guys are experts on the template, not on other 3rd parties plugins. So please let me know how can I do this override myself

    I am still waiting for an answer.. I disabled JCH Optimize so you dont have an excuse or some one to blame. Once the Fb Button show as the screenshot attached, I will follow up with the JCH support. Meanwhile, the template settings are not taking effect, even though they have been set up the same way facebook API is indicating. Please note that this is a template issue!!!

      Hi equilibriumx

      I'm sorry for any trouble that caused by our support team.

      I updated the SDK and facebook like button + style for the social icons, try to clear browser's caches and check again.

      @saguaros Mate... Honestly you are the ONLY ONE that really solve cases... Its OK now.
      I have another case open, regarding ROBOTO font error... please take a look at it
      Can we align those icons properly? they are not in the same horizontal axis line, and when mobile, the Fllipboard one locates in an akward position
      Also, there is a new SDK error in console, please check it out.
      The count in the fb button is wrong! It is not pulling the individual page likes, but the likes from the landing page..it is good looking but WRONG
      I really appreciate your help... as usual

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