I have made a new site in Xampp with the template ja_megastore. I upload that template to my host. Before I did that, I removed all the data on my site. After install ja_megastore, I find data from ja_autoshop? I removed that dat in MYSQL by my host(www.one.com) in a few hours everything is back. And it looks like that it is every time more. How is that possible I didn’t used JA_AUTOSHOP. I thought it’s from sh404sef and asked WEEBLR.
If I delete this in the database it will be back in a few hours. That means somewhere on your site there's a reference to those URLs. When they are used by Joomla then a record is created in the database for it. Remove those URLs from your content and they won't come back.
I can also see that they look like invalid LESS or CSS references rather than real content URLs so that might be an indication of where they come from.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
I can remove what I want but it comes back.
What can I do with this warning?
Error fetching data for analytics reports (2): SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 2 column 1 of the JSON data
Best regards Cees Duijndam