I am not using EasyBlog on JA Decor, but want to use Joomla's usual Category Blog capability.
However, the length of the text that is displayed is cut off. If I switch to a different template, it's fine, so this is caused by the template. I am updating this query now, because I just shifted this over to my second monitor. Still using Firefox, still the same site, and it displays more of the text and doesn't cut it off. Interesting, but how do I control this? I drag the window between the two monitors and it changes the amount of text displayed.

What is the best way to overcome this and display the full articles as desired?

Alternatively, is there a way to have the "readmore" display? That does not appear when chosen, either.

    Hi dfirsching

    Normally, on a Category blog page, it will show the intro text of each article (the text before the readmore button in each article). If there is no readmore button, it will show full text of article on blog page.

    To show the readmore of each article on blog page, you can go to menu item settings > Options tab > enable 'Show readmore' button: https://share.getcloudapp.com/QwuKnbPJ

    It turns out that the readmore will work IF the browser is zoomed out sufficiently - the full text will appear. But it is cut off by a <div> or something. It depends on the monitor / browser size. So there was no readmore because all that gets chopped off. Not sure where to control that in the template css (all the text is in the view source of the html).


      I can't access that blog page any more, could you share it again? and share the admin login info also, I will take a look.

      Having discovered that tables were missing from the database, causing tags and possibly other things to break, I gave up and started with a fresh Joomla! install.

      However, this sheds more light on the odd category blog behavior. It still is doing it but I now think that for some reason it probably has to do with its resizing based upon my slightly smaller desktop monitor. I bought this one a while ago and it is not your typical wide dimensions, rather more square (I thought, the better to work on documents in portrait style). Yet its dimensions are different enough for the category blog to shift to an arbitrary smaller amount of content -- without a readmore.

      I am going to focus on other aspects of the site but will get back to trying to resolve this one. I don't think it's right to do that. But it may be a less common set of dimensions. In other words, I can drag the browser window between monitors to see this happen.
      Thanks for any insight you may have on it.. "Blog" was renamed to "News".

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