Hello In a new article I create, I have some pictures at 820px width. I notice that the pictures that I add a caption, they resize to 1140px width.
Also, there is no proper space between the caption and the text that follows ...
You mean that you want to remove that caption?
Could share URL of that article?
I just don't want the text to stick to the caption. To have the proper space like it would have without the caption.
It looks good at my side: https://prnt.sc/se2i8l
How you want to achieve?
I've send you this image just to see the proper space according to other articles.
If you see at the first picture, there is no space under the caption.
I got your point but I see the space on above article page: https://piggybankaction.org/action/index.php/blog/14-environment/26-environmental-problems.html
You see the space in the main photo. Scroll down to see the other photo.
I enlarged the dimension at the bottom of the photo, to create this empty space that I don't have as in the main photo. And also, the text between the caption must have similar space.
You can try with this:
@media (min-width: 992px) { .t3-content .item-page figure { margin-bottom: 30px; } }
I think they look correct now.