Hi there, i need to change Uppercase to None in the template css and the changew are not saved. I had tried both and from cpanel file manager and from joomla template files too. it is important and i must resolve it

    Can you turn off the compression and cache and share the URL.
    Let me know which part of the site you are applying this change, it might be cache or you apply wrong style changes.

    Good morning. I Need to convert the "Uppercase" to "None" because of greek language. I had tried both from joomla and from cpanel to change the css in folder templates/dk-box/css/template.css but NOTHING. I had  several times install the quickstart but still nothing. The override css in template settings is ok i dont know what to do

      Kindly enable css override option from template style and add this code in override.css file

      #gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu {
          text-transform: initial!important;}

      Clear Joomla and browser cache to see the changes.


      I just put it but no luck... The override.css after a few seconds is BLANK and i had resaved the uppercase to none but after a few seconds again it returns to original

        Kindly check it now, it seems file permission issue i added code in override css file and in custom css option.

        Hi still NOTHING!!! i change again all the 30 uppercase to none and after a minute it is still the original css with the 30 uppercase text transform. If you just had put the ccs on css override folder as i had wrote there is the same problem. The Override folder is BLANK now

        something does not allowing to make any changes in the css code

          The print screen that you upload show english letters that never had problem, the problem is with the greek letters wich is ALL capital by default. When i change the UPPERCASE to NONE in the css template to fix it, the changes are saved in css but after 1-2 minutes the changes are the same with the original css file! something is not allowning to save changes in css template!!! and i had so many days and still nothing...

            There is permission/ownership issue appear with override file.
            You can add the override code in custom style section like i added it for you.
            About the letters i can see only EN menu item. If there is any other section, kindly give a screenshot of that and page URL.

            the header is with greek letters all in capital wich is wrong. I had wrote the letters in lowercase. I dont understand wich perimission must switch off to make the css changes

              proothein he header is with greek letters all in capital wich is wrong. I had wrote the letters in lowercase. I dont understand wich perimission must switch off to make the css changes

              The new site URL is not using GK box Joomla template. Please note if you are using wordpress, you have to post it on Wordpress forum, this forum topic is for Joomla template GK Box.

              I give up while this problem are not corrected and i tried with wordpress. If you want to see the problem to solve it the joomla url is woodenmenucube.gr/1

                i can not able to see any issue on your Joomla site the character is not in uppercase http://prntscr.com/siv53q
                You said this issue is not in English menu, please give URL of page where the issue is present if its not the menu items kindly tell me with screenshot which heading you want in small case.

                Don't you see the UPPERCASE greek letters in the header?

                  You should mentioned the problem is not in Menu.
                  For the module part add this code in custom style box present in the template style options.

                  .gkHeaderContent h1 ,.btn, .readon, button, .button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], ul.pagenav .previous > a, ul.pagenav .next > a, #gkMainbody .readmore > a, .cc-notification-buttons > li > .cc-link, #fancybox-content > div > .showcart, #fancybox-content > div > .continue_link, .gkPopupWrap .gkShowCart > a{
                      text-transform: initial!important;

                    I never write for MENU always i am writing for template css and header... where do you see that i am asking for menu?

                    proothein i need to change Uppercase to None in the template css and the changew are not saved
                    i asked many times to share screeenshot which part you want to change it and i got this info in your last post only after many replies.

                    Let me know if there is any issue after adding the code i shared.


                    the "good" thing is that i made this in css and NOTHING CHANGES because as i am talking from the start of this chat SOMETHING IS NOT ALLOWING TO SAVE THE CHANGES, i had make many many changes on template.css and the changes are saved for about 1 minute and then it returns to "factory settings"

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