Hi How can I do a slide show like this? http://plumbersinbarnstaple.co.uk/
Regards Karl
karloshull Hi JA Healthcare sliideshow has a different layout and style compare to external site example you are looking. You need to make custom work in the style to rebuild the new style. You can use inspect element tool from the browser to see the style classes : http://prntscr.com/sfpx23 then test the code via inspect element tool in JA Healthcare slideshow http://prntscr.com/sfpxi2 apply the custom style via custom.css file
I can't do it, can you do the banner exactly the same? if so, how much will you charge me?
karloshull Hi Sorry JoomlArt does not offer custom works services, you need to hire a developer for this type of custom work.
ok I will have another try. what code shall I put in the custom.css?
karloshull Hi There is no code to share as its custom work and new code need to re built and making changes. You can use my suggestion from last post to see how to check style from other sites.