Hello... i was an older V3.0 ad agency user. Have been trying to create a POPUP Ad, and following the tutorial on this page: https://vimeo.com/showcase/2447383?page=2
But there are differences in having to select a Customer in the new version vs. what the video displays. Is there an updated video on this process? Thanks!
prthnon Hi The version 3.x is very old. Now its version 6.1.2 running and many changes has been from years older version. You can create the ad via Component > ad agency > Add New ads > Popup Here : http://prntscr.com/shrczb You can see all changelog here for the changes from older to new version : https://adagency.ijoomla.com/changelog and here : ijoomla.com/blog
Hello! Thanks for the reply. I realize 3.x is ancient... recently updated and once again going thru the learning curve. I like the updated interface... now just have to figure it out 🙂
prthnon You are welcome!