Hi. I translated some virtuemart custom fields with the tag technique using the ini language files (see here for an explanation how to implement this: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=96758.msg318220#msg318220). For example I am using this tag: COM_VIRTUEMART_TYPE_COUV ("type de couverture" in the fr-FR.override.ini "Type of cover " in the en-EN.override) for the custom field title and, for example, COM_VIRTUEMART_TYPE_RIGIDE ( ("Rigide" in the fr-FR.override.ini "hardcover " in the en-EN.override) as a custom field value. It seems that the Ja Mega Filter is not able to translate these tags. Look at: http://elam-shop-test.com.s110181.gridserver.com/index.php/en/our-products/notebooks#sort=attr.ct3.frontend_value&sortdir=desc&attr.cat.value=12&page=1 you will see the untranslated tags in the filter menu and some of the browsed products using these translated tags.
When clicking to reach the detail page of one concerned product the translation is well done by the system. For example her: http://elam-shop-test.com.s110181.gridserver.com/index.php/en/our-products/lias1
Your extension does integrate natively this or do I have to add a patch?
Hi nnilsson
I got your point but at this moment, JA Megafilter doesn't support that translated tags. I will forward to the development team for further consideration on this.
Thank you for this info.
Pls try solution in this topic: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/31227-ja-megafilter-in-jamegastore-multilang
I tried to read the solution. But it says I need a subscription. https://share.cleanshot.com/9T88qpHt
I am logged in and also have a valid subscription.
Please make the answer visible.
Best Patrick
That topic discussed about the multilingual in Virtuemart which already supports this feature, you're using filter for com_content, right?