How do I change the MORE GAMES button to another name I want?
I would also like to change the text of the SHOW ME MORE button and if you can explain how to do both, it would be great. Thank you.
Hi tocadaweb
Go to Extensions -> languages -> Override -> New and add your override for 2 strings TPL_INFINITY_NEXT TPL_MORE_GAMES as showed below
Thank you very much, it worked perfectly, but when all the articles are displayed, THATS ALL appears and I would also like to change it, what's his TPL?
Add override for this string TPL_JSLANG_FINISHEDMSG
And how do I change the image of PACMAN as well? Please.
tocadaweb And how do I change the image of PACMAN as well? Please.
Please have a look at THIS POST
Thank you very much for everything .. Just one more question, where I find the TPL listing. Anyway he answered all my questions. Thank you again.
tocadaweb Just one more question, where I find the TPL listing.
Could you elaborate more your question ?
Or post a screen shot from where we can better understand it ?
Sorry I'm a bit confused are all questions answered?
Cheers Paul
pavit In fact I asked all the questions and they were all very well answered and effective, I'm sorry if I did not make that clear. But they were answered. Thank you.