
how can I get the "WHAT'S NEW-LIKE" module (the one in the demo) to have autoanimation and arrows/pagination?

If I set 2 pages in "Amount of pages with arts" all the column shape goes wrong.

Furthermore the autoanimation does not work even setting "Amount of pages with arts" to 1

I have several K2 articles to show in the module "WHAT'S NEW-LIKE" and I would like to have them autoanimated and possibly with a arrow/pagination tool

Thanks in advance

    Hi rossella1

    I will report to the team for further checking on the articles pagination.

    For autoanimation, could you clarify more details about this feature? I don't find any settings in module for it.

    Hello, thanks for your kind reply.

    Since I did not manage to get the pagination/arrows in the module, I activated the autoanimation hoping that it could show automatically the next articles just like if it were a pagination.

    The result is that the module seems to animate (it has a sort of start with a kind of fade-out) but you can only see the actual articles and the module does not skip to the next page.

    Anyway what I would like to get is a module that shows in a netflix-like way the articles. The "what'snew-like" module is fine, but I can't manage to get it browse.



      I still can't get your point of the autoanimation here, could you share the admin login info of your site? and share me screenshot of the setting that you're mentioning so I can check.



      I updated the admin access.

      Please find attached the screenshots



        I checked deeper in this template but did not see any module with pagination or the 'autoanimate' as you mentioned. To be honest, I still don't understand the 'autoanimate' as you mentioned here.

        Could you share screenshot of URL of this module on our demo site that you want to achieve the same?

        Ok maybe I was not enough clear.

        You did ot see any autoanimation or pagination in my site because I did not manage to set them; that's why I asked you...

        I already posted a screenshot of the template of YOU demo describing what I would like to achieve.

        I will post that screenshot again hoping this time I will be clear.

        I wrote in red how I would like the module should work


          Hi rossella1

          There seems to be no arrow + pagination for the article layout now, let me check with the team if this module can support it or not.



          I added this custom css:

          .nsp-switch .nspArtPage.nspCol2 {
            width: 50%;
          .nsp-switch .nspArtPage.nspCol3 {
            width: 33.333333%;

          to the 'override.css' file in template and show the arrow navigation now.

          Kindly check.

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