Hi Guys
We have a layout issue in the View All Friends tab, the content is crowded and not spread out.
The requests sent and pending approval layouts are perfect.
Can you please help?
Thanks in advance!
parajeff Hi Please submit a login on which you have this issue. the current user does not have any friend http://prntscr.com/sn4nvs
Hi Pankaj
I just added friends to that account so you can see the issue.
Thank you.
parajeff Hi I checked your site friend view and its same like in the demo https://js-column.demo.jomsocial.com/index.php/friends If you want to move it for the name. add this code in custom.css file
@media only screen and (min-width: 481px){ .joms-list--friend .joms-list__body { width: 84%; }}
aaaahh ok = on our installation the names are too crowded. I didn't realize that was how it was laid out.
Thank you for the code.
parajeff You are welcome!