The module works fine on my desktop, but does not send an email on my phone (google pixel 2)
Hi janneels
May I know which page are you using quick contact module? I tried to access admin panel of your site but the provided account doesn't work, kindly check again.
janneels Hi, Please use this package and try again.
I give you another login, do not understand why the other does not work!
It still doesn't work:
new user/passwrd
I can't even send email from desktop, could you share the ftp account also?
The ftp account is for more websites, pleas log in and then look for the correct domain
The provided ftp account doesn't work, could you check again?
It works for me, I'll contact my provider
Here is the error message:
Command: USER jannerz59 Response: 331 Password required for jannerz59 Command: PASS ******** Response: 530 Login incorrect. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
I have to upload it as an extension?
janneels yes
Dear manhta,
It seems to be solved, I am performing further tests and in some days I'll let you know the outcome. Thanks very much!
Did you succeed to login?
janneels yes 🙂