Hi Guys!

I would like to delet the 'view all' buttons on the home from 'Our Services' and 'Featured projects' How can I do that?

Bonus question: Where can I set up the meta-title of the Home. I did not find where to modify the default 'Responsive Joomla template for...' text

Thank you!

    For the Meta
    Open Menu > Main Menu > Home > edit the menu item > Page display tab > edit browser page title.
    To edit meta description click on Metadata tab in the menu item.

    For View All button
    open file "/html/mod_articles_category/triangle.php" in template "ja_decor".
    Find and remove this code

    <?php if ($params->get('show_readmore')) :?>
    					<a class="btn btn-default <?php echo $item->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>"><?php echo JText::_('TPL_VIEW'); ?></a>
    				<?php endif; ?>

      Ninja Thank you. The meta problem solved, but the View all button still visible after I remove the suggested code. Any idea?


        It should work for the module
        can you share the URL of site, also make sure the code is removed and there is no cache on Joomla or server.

          Ninja the domain is counterbau.hu I delete the cache and you can see the content of trianagle.php bellow

          Thamk you!

            Open template folder /css/custom.css file
            If file not exist, create it and add the code.


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